Friday, March 23, 2012

A little piece of me {Guest post}

We have the wonderful Salena guest posting here again. She is such a pleasure to have on the blog and are so honored to have her here again today. You can see her first post here. Thanks Salena for being here today!

My name is Salena and I am the blogger behind  A Little Piece of Me.  I was born and raised in Hawaii on the island of O'ahu.  I'm wife to Rudy, mother of 6, and grandmother of 3.  I am a stay at home mommy to my 3 little girls and on my spare time, which is rare, I create handmade accessories which you can find at here.  I blog about everyday life, marriage, parenting, things I love, and everything in between and I am so happy to be blog swapping with Embrace Your Life today.

I have been blessed with many kids.  I have come to believe that it is God's way to teach me the lessons I need to learn and to keep me grounded.  Although being a mother is a very hard job, it keeps me focused on what is most important.  In the little everyday simple things such as watching my little ones sleep or being next to them when they are falling asleep and snuggling into my arms or into their comfy beds.  Watching them get so excited to just do a simple nature walk and collect things that God has created and come back home to make a collage.  It is through my kids that I have learned how to Embrace Life the most.  God has used situations with my kids whether joyful ones or the down right traumatizing ones to point me in the direction I need to go.  In all the joys and heartbreaks of being a mom, it brings me back to enjoying every detail that most people would not.

It's not about having money or having all the material things that some work so hard for.  It's about stopping, being still and listening to one another.  Engaging, making eye contact, being attentive to those around you.  Connecting to others and letting them know you are there for them and are truly listening and care about who they are inside.  Life in general distracts us and God uses the things in our life to wake us up and to focus on what's important.  He reminds us that there is a great life that he has given us if we look beyond the distractions.

What about  you, how are you Embracing Your Life?

Come visit me and say hello, I'd love to hear from you!!

xoxo, Salena

A Little Piece of Me
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