Monday, February 20, 2012

13 days

By Cassie - Her blog is Live.Laugh.L0ve. You can learn more about her here. You can read all posts from Cassie here.

{I first posted this on my blog - but I felt it needed to be shared on here too}

I remember when I first read Fran @ a small bird's studios story about losing their first baby. A sweet beautiful little girl who is now an angel. The first time I read it, my heart broke.

I just read it again & my eyes were opened in a new way.
13 days.
They had only thirteen days with her.
I can't even begin to imagine.
I've had almost four years with Jay & over two years with KJ.
They don't have that with their sweet angel.

I don't know why this post hit me so hard today. Maybe I needed it, because the boys have been driving me up the wall today, but God showed me I should be thankful for that. As mother's we love our children, but we also have a tendency to complain about nap tips & bed times, toys strung on the floor and spills on the carpet. Never making it anywhere on time or having to bring an extra shirt wherever you go because those sticky hands are sure to ruin it.

In the midst of this chaotic day - God led me back to her story to remind me & I hope to remind you, to be thankful.
I am thankful for the messes.
The tantrums.
The spills.
The times they don't want to sleep and they want to stay up with mommy & daddy because they can't get enough of us.
I'm thankful for their kisses.
Their hugs.
Their laughter & their tears.

I've had years with my children. What if you only had 13 days left with yours?
Whatever you would do in that amount of time.
Do it now.
Don't wait. 
Embrace every smile, every hug, every laugh, every tear, every spill, every mess. Because there are woman who don't get those moments.

I vow from here on out to embrace every part of parenthood, to cherish every single second with my little's.

To fran & to anyone who has lost a child.
My prayers are forever with you.
My heart aches for you & if it were possible. I would give you a hug and never let go.

Cherish your little one's ladies. 
Hold them close.
Because you never know if you will get tomorrow with them.
& that my friends is something that breaks my heart.
Embrace the little blessings that God gave you.

1 comment:

  1. We've been through a stillbirth and a miscarriage. We have two girls now, but the youngest (5) has special needs and is medically fragile. As recently as 2/15/12, we faced an illness causing her to wind up at the ER where she became extremely ill very quickly. Once again, we faced the possibility that this could be it. It wasn't. But it could have been. I just praise God that she's home now through some kind of miracle that He worked for us. It sure does put a lot into perspective when that happens.
